Save nature with MERIT tokens

A virtual asset backed by real-life nature. Buy and contribute today. Trade and spend tomorrow.
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Nature-backed MERIT

MERIT is an innovative virtual currency that represents and protects the work nature does to keep the planet habitable. The tokens are issued to landowners based on the ecological value of their lands for as long as nature is preserved.

1 MERIT = 3 EUR = 100 kg of CO₂ captured in biodiverse nature

Created from nature

Earth’s ecosystem services
Nature captures CO₂, holds biodiversity, and offers other vital ecosystem services for humans.
Digital Twin evaluates
The MERIT Digital Twin monitors and evaluates nature to give it a digital value in MERIT.
Nature-backed MERIT
New MERIT tokens are regularly created based on the healthiness of nature around us.

With MERIT, you can...

Support nature preservaton
Contribute to protecting Amazon’s rainforest and mature forests in Europe.
Stop a global crisis
Protecting the nature we have left is the most efficient tool against the climate and biodiversity crisis.
Be a part of a revolution
We can shift the world to value nature for it’s ecosystem services, not only for raw material.
Pay for daily purchases
A payment solution for consumers and companies. MERIT Pay is coming in 2023/24.
Earn a potential profit
More information about trading and external exchanges coming in 2023.
Build a green economy
Nature could be a central part of the economy and daily life. Switch to green with MERIT.

Easy and secure MERIT Marketplace

New to digital currencies? MERIT allows everyone to participate – no crypto experience or wallet required. All hands on deck!
Sign up to MERIT Marketplace

Landowners are nature's caretakers

Kaimo Rim, private forest owner in Estonia

“Single.Earth offers an excellent opportunity to earn additional income from forests. It helps to create a better balance between harvesting and extraction versus preservation. It also helps to avoid forest land conversion to alternative uses. Good luck to Single.Earth and congratulations for making it happen!”

Lauri Semevsky, private forest owner in Estonia

“We’ve been postponing cutting the trees for years while most neighbors have opted for clearcutting where possible. But we don't want to destroy the forest as it’s home to many species: foxes, rabbits, roe deer, occasional elks, storks, common cranes, and many more."

André Manfredini, Managing Director of Natural Resources Conservation Ltd

"The method to create a digital twin is as intriguing as translating actual nature into digital fashion. We thereupon joined forces with Single.Earth. Together, we hope to make it clear to the global society that we shouldn’t only rely on regulations and good character to protect the remaining nature we have. We as humans must understand that nature has a price that needs to compete financially with economical prices and with other land use prices, all to protect nature justly."

Save rainforests in Amazon Brazil

Santa Natalia is located in the Arc of Deforestation – the area with the most rapid deforestation in the world. The forest is immensely biodiverse, providing habitat for 175 species and removing more than 104,000 tons of CO₂ from the atmosphere every year.

Protect threatened forests in Europe

Smaller lands have extremely limited options to earn income for nature preservation. We work with landowners across Europe who commit to keeping their forests intact. Our goal is to make nature protection easy and profitable for lands of all sizes.

Support large conservation areas

Nature conservation is missing more than $100 billion each year. There’s an urgent need to increase protected areas globally and also find sustainable revenue sources for managing these areas. We are partnering with local communities and conservation organisations to sustainably protect species, habitats, and landscapes.
Coming soon

Get started today

Single.Earth is a virtual ecosystem where landowners, people, and businesses come together to save nature. Join the community as a token holder.

Sign up and get verified

All initial transactions are made on the MERIT Marketplace. Want to take the token to external wallets and exchanges later on? It’s up to you.
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Buy and hold tokens

Token sales started in September 2022. Buy MERIT tokens via bank transfers and hold them in our custodial wallet. The opening price is 3€ with a minimum amount of 10 tokens.


Information about trading opportunities, external wallets, and exchanges will become available in 2023.

MERIT Pay and other opportunities

Use MERIT as any currency. We’ll constantly be creating new use cases for the tokens. Eventually, everything you can do with money today, you can do with MERIT.

Join the community

"It can be a little part of protecting the Amazon, rebuilding forests in Africa, and shifting the negative trend of land losing carbon — it is all I wish, really. I try to spend what I have in the most sensible way for the next and coming generations."
Hans Von Essen
"When I get the opportunity, I like to participate in cofounding projects that resonate with me. The way how Single.Earth is planning to develop their model is definitely in line with my values."
Mari-Liis Garcia
"I am really concerned about the future of our planet and the preservation of mother nature — this is why I stepped into the Single.Earth project as soon as I had the opportunity and acquired my first MERIT tokens on September 1st, 2022."
Anthony Dugas
"As Single.Earth has been rather active on (social) media, I had already heard about them months ago. The business model is novel and I am eager to follow the journey and intrigued to see what they'll do next."
Roman German

Invest in a green future today

Buy MERIT tokens